Provet Cloud offers different options to round the total sum of the invoice. Rounding can reduce friction during the payment process and can help you meet requirements for not using smaller monetary units (cents).
To edit the rounding settings, go to Settings > General > Clinic location > Clinic location settings.
Enable invoice total sum rounding: Using this setting, you can set up the total sum rounding that happens when an invoice is finalised. The available options include:
Round to nearest 0.05
Round to nearest 0.10
Round to nearest 0.50
Round to nearest whole number
For example, if you select Round to nearest 0.10, the total sum of the invoice including taxes is rounded to the nearest 0.10 units/cents. If the total sum of the invoice is 4,74 € before finalising the invoice, it will be 4,70 € after the invoice has been finalised. If the invoice total sum is 4,75 €, it is rounded to 4,80 €.
Rounding item: Select the rounding item you want to use for invoice total sum rounding. The rounding item is added to the invoice as a separate row to show the rounding sum. Typically, a designated item is created for invoice rounding. Set the item price as 0, but make sure you assign the correct VAT group.
Enable invoice due sum rounding to zero: Using this setting, you can round the due sum to zero if the total is close to it. The available options include:
Round to nearest 0.05
Round to nearest 0.10
Round to nearest 0.50
Round to nearest whole number
The selected option sets the limit for when the rounding to zero option becomes available for users. If the invoice due sum is smaller than the selected settings (for example, smaller than 0.50), the Round to zero button is available below the invoice due sum, and the user can round the sum to 0. The payment type will be 'Rounding'.
Automatic invoice due sum payment methods: In this field, you can select payment methods for which rounding to zero happens automatically. For example, if you select the 'Cash' payment method, rounding to zero happens automatically when the cash payment method is selected for a payment on an invoice.
If the Enable invoice total sum rounding setting is enabled, it takes precedence over the Enable invoice due sum rounding to zero setting. For example, if the round to zero setting is set to 'Round to nearest 0.50', but the invoice total sum rounding setting rounds the total up from a lower amount to 0.50, rounding to zero will not happen because 0.50 is out of the round to zero setting's range (not below 0.50).
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