Use the Laboklin Integration


Create a Laboratory Referral

1. Prepare the sample.

Label your sample with Laboklin's barcode sticker. If you are out of barcode stickers, you can add the client and patient name in writing.

2. Create a referral in Provet Cloud.

  1. On the patient's consultation page, go to the Diagnostics > Laboratory section.

  2. Select the + button next to the section title and find the Laboklin laboratory analysis you want to order. You can filter the list using the Laboratory group ('Laboklin') and Subgroup filters or use the search field to search for items by name or code. Laboklin-specific items show '(Laboklin)' after the name.

  3. Select the + button to add the analysis to the referral. The analysis appears under Selected laboratories and panels.

  4. If not filled in automatically, add the patient Species and Gender in the fields at the bottom of the dialogue.

  5. In the Referral remarks field, you can add notes that will be shown in Laboklin.

  6. If label printing is in use, you can print a laboratory label for the referral.

  7. If you want to create a task to a user or users, select the users in the Create tasks field. Depending on the clinic location settings, this option may be required. In addition, when the laboratory results are ready, a task may be created by default to the referring veterinarian or other users set in the clinic location settings.

  8. Depending on the clinic location settings, the Mark referral as urgent option may be available. When a laboratory urgency fee is used in your Provet Cloud, the fee is selected by default when you mark a laboratory referral as urgent on a consultation. If you do not want to add the fee, deselect the Add fee for urgent processing option.

  9. Select Save to submit the referral. The External laboratory attachments dialogue opens.

  10. If the print preview does not open automatically, select Open to print the order PDF attachment. This is the referral requisition page that is to be included with the physical sample submission. You can also print the form later from the Attachments button on the referral rows in the list.

  11. Select Close in the External laboratory attachments dialogue.


3. Match the referral with the sample and pack and ship the sample.

Use the second barcode sticker from the Laboklin sheet and put it onto the printed referral. If you are out of stickers, make sure that the client and patient information on the sample container and the printout match.

Pack the sample with the printed referral as usual and ship according to Laboklin's instructions.

Receive and View Laboratory Results

When the results arrive from Laboklin, the referral's status on the Provet Cloud consultation page turns green. The status also changes on the laboratory dashboard. You can open the results file either from the Diagnostics > Laboratory section on the consultation page or from the Laboratory page.

The consultation's responsible employee gets a notification, and tasks are created for the users specified when the referral was created.


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