Using Laboklin Integration


Provet Cloud can be integrated with various external laboratories, including Laboklin. In the traditional Laboklin workflow, a paper referral sheet is used for ordering analyses. With the Laboklin integration, there is no need for that but users can browse Laboklin analyses and order them directly from the consultation page. The sample itself is sent to Laboklin as usual.


The Laboklin integration is an add-on of Provet Cloud and first needs to be added to your subscription. It is also assumed that your clinic already has existing cooperation with Laboklin and you will need to notify them about planning to open an integration with Provet Cloud.

The Laboklin integration set-up requires technical help from Provet Cloud support. Please contact Provet Cloud support to proceed.

The following information is required from you:

  • Laboklin username and password. Note that Laboklin requires each department to have their own credentials.
  • Laboklin account number
  • Decide if you want to use pricing that comes from Laboklin. If yes, decide if you want to mark up Laboklin prices and how.

Creating Referrals

1. Prepare the Sample

After you have gathered the sample, label it with Laboklin's barcode sticker as in the original workflow. Optionally, you can add the client and patient name in writing. If you are out of barcode stickers, you can use the client and patient name as an alternative.

2. Create the Referral from Provet Cloud

You can add Laboklin referrals to ongoing consultations. To do that, navigate to the 'Diagnostics' section on the consultation page. From the 'Laboratory' subsection, select the blue '+' button to start creating a referral.

A new dialogue opens, allowing you to browse available laboratory articles and add them to the referral that's being created.

  1. Use the laboratory group and subgroup filters to narrow the list down as needed.
  2. You can also use the search fields to search by name. At first, it's recommended to narrow down by selecting the 'Laboklin' group and then use the search function.
  3. Select the blue '+' button to add an analysis to the referral.


Now we can see that the analysis has been added below to the selected laboratories and panels' section. We can also remove it if it was added by mistake by using the red X-button at the end of the row.

You can also add referral remarks that can be seen by Laboklin. You also have the option to add tasks that will be created for selected users when the referral is marked as complete. By default, the consultation's responsible employee (usually the vet) gets the task.

Finally, select the green 'Save' button from below to create the referral.


3. Map the Species and Gender and Send

Next, a special Laboklin referral sending dialogue comes up. Here we need to select the species and the gender of the patient because this info is not yet automatically linked between Laboklin and Provet Cloud.

To finalise the referral creation, select the green 'Send' button. An extra confirmation dialogue will appear, select 'Confirm' to confirm. After that, the referral is technically sent to Laboklin. The system will process for a bit and displays a success message at the top of the consultation page.

After a moment, a new dialogue with the attachment pops up. See the next step.


4. Print the Attachment

After sending the referral, a new dialogue with the option to open the referral PDF opens up. This usually takes a few seconds.

Select the blue 'Open (PDF)' button to open the PDF. It will open in a new browser tab by default. Print the PDF so you can send it with the sample.



5. Match with the Sample, Pack and Ship

Use the second barcode sticker from the Laboklin sheet and put it onto the printed referral. If you are out of sticker, make sure that the client and patient info on the sample container and the printout matches.

Pack the sample with the printed referral as usual and ship according to Laboklin's instructions.

Referral Results

Once the results arrive from Laboklin, the referral's status on the consultation page will turn green. The status will also change on the laboratory dashboard.

The consultation's responsible employee will also get a notification. Also, tasks are created for users as defined when the referral was created.

There file with the results can be opened either from the consultation's laboratory diagnostics section or the laboratory dashboard.


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