Use the VetScan FUSE Integration


Create a Laboratory Referral

View Laboratory Results

Export Unmatched Results to Provet Cloud


Create a Laboratory Referral

Create a referral according to the normal Provet Cloud laboratory referral workflow, selecting a VetScan laboratory item or panel.

Receive and View Laboratory Results

When the results are available, they are automatically uploaded to Provet Cloud and to the referral as well as to the patient's history.

On the consultation page, you can open the results from the Connected notes section under Consultation details or from the Diagnostics > Laboratory section. You can also view the referral page which you can open from list button at the end of the referral row. The results PDF is generated by VetScan and includes useful graphs and histograms.


Export Unmatched Results to Provet Cloud

If laboratory testing is performed without a Provet Cloud laboratory referral, the results will be unmatched and show an error on the VetScan FUSE cloud platform. You can manually link these results to Provet Cloud referrals and import them to Provet Cloud.

  1. in Provet Cloud, find the correct laboratory referral.

  2. Select the FUSE integration button in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. On the VetScan FUSE integration page, go to the Results tab.

  4. Find the laboratory results that you want to connect to the referral and select the button in the Lab Order ID column.

  5. Add the Provet Cloud referral ID in the Lab Order ID field.

  6. Select Save & Resend.



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