Register Payments Manually

If your clients pay using manual bank transfers, you must enter the payments into Provet Cloud manually.

Note that you cannot use Provet Pay to add payments for multiple invoices using the register payments function. Instead, you can take a prepayment from the client for the total sum and use it to pay the invoices, or you can consolidate the invoices and pay the consolidated invoice using Provet Pay.

1. Find and select invoices.

If you have many invoices that you want to mark as paid at once, the easiest way to select the invoices in in Clients & Patients > Invoices:

  1. Search for the invoices you want to register and select them (click on invoice rows in the list or Select all).

  2. A pop-up menu opens at the bottom of the page. Select Actions > Register payments. The Register payments page opens.

Alternatively, you can go directly to Reports > Financial > Register payments and select and add invoices to the list one by one:

  1. Using the search field, search for invoices by client name or ID.

  2. Select an invoice in the search results to add it to the page.

If you added a row by mistake, you can remove it using the trash can button.

2. Add payment amounts.

For each of the invoice rows:

  1. Check the Date of payment. By default, the current date is shown. You can copy the date from the first row to all rows using the arrow button at the top of the column.

  2. Choose the Type of payment. You can copy the payment type from the first row to all rows using the arrow button at the top of the column.

  3. Add the amount that was paid. You can copy the due amount from the invoice using the arrow button in the Amount due column. You have to do this separately for each row.

Partial payments

If the Amount paid is smaller than the Amount due, a partial payment is added to the invoice. The Discrepancy column then shows the difference and the Action column shows 'Partially paid' as the action that is done when you finalise the payment.


If the client paid more than was due on the invoice, you can automatically save the extra to the client's prepayments if prepayments are used in your Provet Cloud. When you enter the paid sum, the invoice due amount is paid off and the extra sum is transferred to the client's prepayments. The Action column shows 'Transfer the discrepancy to prepayments' as the action that is done when you finalise the payment.

3. Finalise the payments.

To finalise a payment, select Accept at the end of the row. The finalised invoice row disappears from the list.

Alternatively, you can first add payments to all rows and then select Accept all at the bottom of the page.


When you add invoices to the list, a timer starts in the upper right part of the page. The timer is reset every time you add a new invoice, accept, or remove a row. You can also reset the timer manually using the plus button next to the timer.

Your work is saved for the duration left in the timer even if you leave the page. If the timer runs out before you finish your work, you have to find and re-select invoices to your list.


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