Business intelligence (BI) reports can help you with veterinary business management by providing additional insight into the clinic's performance. The business intelligence reports are a set of dashboards that contain visualised key performance indicators about finances, human resources, client engagement, and clinical processes.
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To access the BI reports, go to Reports > Business intelligence > Business intelligence report. Power BI reports are available in the following sections. Each section includes sub-pages that focus on different areas of the section. To access the reports, select the sections on the main navigation page or go to the tabs at the bottom of the page.
Release notes opens a public support page that lists the latest BI release information and updates.
This report provides a quick overview of your clinic's performance during the selected timeframe. You can track the following metrics:
Item sales
Average item sales on consultation
Number of consultations
Counter sale item sales
New clients on consultations
Old clients on consultations
Client information lacks phone or email
When you hover over a visual, a pop up shows each metric by clinic locations.
You can track different measures and view them by clinic, ward, and employee. You can also view how a selected measure progresses over time. The available measures are listed in the drop-down list at the top of the page.
You can compare a selected metric to the previous month and the same month from the previous year. You can filter the data by clinic, ward, and employee.
This report provides a comprehensive view of unpaid invoices which can be further viewed by clinic location, ward, and vet. A timeline visual shows how your accounts receivables progress over the selected period of time. You can view detailed information about unpaid invoices and export the data to an Excel file by selecting the upper left pane.
The following information is available:
Daily summary
Consultations by vet. You can view the number of consultations grouped by vet, consultation type, ward, reporting dimension 1, reason type group, and reason type.
Avg client, patient and visit transaction by vet
Employee summary: You can view how an employee performs in general by checking their invoice counts, total sales, patients seen etc.
Item sales and discounts: This reports includes over 20 dimensions.
You can export your sales data to an Excel file so that you have more flexibility to filter the data, build visuals, and perform analyses according to your needs. To export the data to an Excel file, select the three dots (More options) in the upper right corner of the table and select Export data from the pop-up menu.
You can track delays and the median length of the delays in your clinic. The median length is shown instead of the average length, because the average is affected by extreme exceptions. If your clinic has long delays and the most of consultations have delays, you may want to consider ways to improve efficiency to help you avoid delays in the future.
You can track the number of new, active, and lost clients by consultation and counter sale, as well as new, active, and lost patients over time to see how your client base is changing. If the number of your monthly active clients is decreasing and the number of lost clients is increasing, you may want to consider ways to help retain your clients.
You can also view a list of your top spending clients by selecting the button in the bottom left corner.
You can view how your clinic is performing against other clinics in the same country and compare your clinic performance to the same month of the previous year by tracking the following metrics:
average billing per clinic location
average billing per invoice
average consultation billing per client
average counter sale billing per client
average consultation billing per clinic location
average counter sale billing per clinic location
average no. of active clients per clinic location in the last 12 months
average no. of active patients per clinic location in the last 12 months
average no. of clients per clinic location
average no. of patients per clinic location
average no. of consultations per clinic location
average no. of new clients on consultations per clinic location
You can track your health plan related metrics such as the number of subscriptions by status, number of clients and patients with active subscriptions, subscription revenues generated by health plans, average client health plan savings, and items that have been used through health plans.
This report shows how busy your clinic is by hour to help you plan your workforce for peak hours and less busy times. You can track the following metrics:
Consultation sales amount
Number of consultations
Number of patients
This report shows an overview of your laboratory and imaging referrals, including the number of referrals, the distribution of the referrals, and the share of consultations including a laboratory or imaging referral. You can also track your referral distribution by device usage which can help you understand which equipment are used the most. If your clinic is witnessing an increase in laboratory or image referrals, but you do not have your own laboratories, you may want to consider having your own laboratory instead of using external laboratories.
This report shows an overview of appointment related figures:
the number of appointments by different types and patient species
the percentage of cancelled and no show appointments
scheduled appointment duration by employees
By tracking these figures, you can better allocate resources to the most common appointment types and patient species. You can also optimise employee capacity by checking if employees have long appointment sessions and too many appointments.
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