Referral Portal Setup


These instructions are intended for veterinary practice administrators for the initial setup of the Referral Portal as the receiving clinic or hospital.

Initial Setup and Access

Referral Portal requires an initial setup from the Provet Cloud team. Once this is done, a selected (admin) user from your practice will get an email invitation to the portal.

The address for the Referral Portal is in the form of where 'yourpractice' is the custom name given to your Referral Portal.

Global Settings

On the Settings page, you can define the global settings which apply to all clinics you have given access to the Referral Portal. You can also define clinic-specific settings on the Clinics page which override the global settings and apply only to the specific clinic.

  • Localization: Select the system timezone.

  • Referrals: Select the time for sending referral notifications.

  • Sync departments: Fetch or refresh the list of departments from your Provet Cloud. Note that only the departments that have the setting Enable patient referrals enabled are fetched. Synchronising the departments needs to be done during the initial Referral Portal setup, when new departments have been added to your Provet Cloud, or when the Enable patient referrals setting has been changed for a department in your Provet Cloud. If there are more departments in the Referral Portal than received from your Provet Cloud (for example, a department has been disabled or deleted), the departments are deleted from the Referral Portal.

  • Enabled departments: Select which departments are available for the referring clinics when they create referrals.

  • Exclude referring vet when sending referral: If you select Enabled, only the referring organisation is created in your Provet Cloud and not the individual user (referring veterinarian). However, the user's name is automatically added to the referral note that can be viewed in Provet Cloud when receiving the referral. The user still exists in the Referral Portal and will receive notifications related to their referral. If you select Disabled, also the user is created in your Provet Cloud in addition to the organisation.

  • PACS Import: If you use Provet Cloud PACS, select Enabled so that referring veterinarians can send DICOM files with referrals to your PACS.

Create Referral Types and Forms

During the referral process, the sender of the referral must select a referral type and fill in the required information. As the receiver of the referral, your clinic or hospital defines the referral types and the information you want the referring practitioners to fill in. You must create at least one referral type.

  1. Go to the Referral types page from the top menu and select NEW TYPE in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Add a name for the type in the Type name field and select the Departments and Wards you want the referral type to be available for.

  3. Use the ADD buttons to add sections to the referral type form. Using these sections, you can add the fields and options you want the referring clinic to fill in to get the information you need. For more information about adding sections, see Edit Referral Type Form Sections.

  4. When ready, select SAVE AND PUBLISH in the top right corner of the page. You can can also save the referral type as a draft and finish it later. Note that the referral type will not be available for referrals until it has been published. In the referral types list, draft referral types are marked with a yellow and published referral types with a green dot.

After a referral type has been published, you can still edit it. Select SHOW in the referral type list and then EDIT in the top right-hand side corner of the page.

Edit Referral Type Form Sections

To edit a section you have added, select the section. The is highlighted in light blue and the editing options open in the right-hand side panel.

  • Add the name of the field, text area, or option list in the Label field.

  • In the Placeholder field, you can add placeholder text such as instructions for filling in the information in the field.

  • Using the Make selection wide checkbox, you can toggle whether a section uses the full width of the page or only half of the page.

  • If you want to make a section mandatory to fill in, select the Make input mandatory checkbox.

  • You can define the size of a text area using the Rows (height) and Cols (width) fields on the right.

  • You can move the sections around using the arrow-controls in the top right corners of the sections.


Add Clinics

To allow other clinics to send referrals to you, you must add the clinics in the Referral Portal.

  1. Go to the Clinics page from the top menu and select NEW CLINIC in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Fill in the clinic details:

    • Add the clinic's name, email, and phone number.

    • Users can see only their own referrals: Select this option if you want the users of the clinic (referrers) to only see their own referrals. If this option is not selected, they can see all referrals of the clinic.

    • Exclude referring vet when sending referral: If you select Enabled, only the referring organisation information is sent with referrals from this clinic to Provet Cloud and not the user information (referring veterinarian). The user exists in the portal and will receive notifications, but a new client is not created in Provet Cloud. If you select Disabled, also the user information is sent and the user is created in your Provet Cloud. If you want to use the global setting defined for all clinics in your Referral Portal, select the Use global settings option.

  3. Fill in the admin details for the first user of the clinic. They or you can add more users later.

  4. Select which departments are available for the clinic when they create referrals. If you want to use the global setting defined for all clinics in your Referral Portal, select the Use global option.

When you are ready, select CREATE at the bottom of the page to save the clinic. The referring clinic's admin user will get an email invitation to the portal and can add other users for their clinic.

Add Users (Optional)

After you have added an admin user for a referring clinic, the admin user can add other users to the portal for their clinic. As the receiving clinic, you can also do this, as well as add additional "tenant admins" to co-manage the portal with you.

  1. Go to the Users page from the top menu and select NEW USER in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Fill in the user information fields and select their role (see the user role comparison below). The required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  3. Select the Send password creation link to user's email option if you want to include a password creation link to the invitation email.

  4. You can also set notification message options for the user. The user can change these settings later.

  5. When ready, select SAVE. Note that the email may go to the user's spam folder.

User Role Comparison


Clinic Admin

Tenant Admin

Portal access




Can view referrals*




Can send referrals




Can manage Users and Clinic Admins




Can manage Tenant Admins




Can manage clinics




Can build forms




Can manage global settings




*Users see their own referrals by default, but they may also see referrals from other users and admins depending on the clinic-level setting.

Alternative Anonymous Referral Access

You can also accept anonymous referrals, removing the need to manage clinics and users in the portal.

To enable this option, add '/anonymous' to the end of your portal address, for example, You can then simply share the link with the referring clinics to give them access to the portal.

Referral Portal Activity Log

On the Activity page, you can view your Referral Portal activity. Select the filters you want to use and then SEARCH.

  • Sort by: Sort the list in ascending or descending order by the activity date.

  • Subject and Event: Select the type of activity you want to view, for example, "Referral" or "Sent".

  • Created at starting and Created at ending: Select the timeframe from which you want to view activity.


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