Credit and Refund a Finalised and Paid Invoice in Full


If a card payment terminal integration has been used, the payment will not be available in the dialogue and is not automatically added to the credit note. For more information, see Refund With Card Payment Terminal Integrations.

When the invoice has been finalised, and payments have been added, follow the steps below to credit and refund the invoice.

  1. Select the Credit note button at the bottom of the invoice page. The Credit note dialogue opens.

  2. Select Fully credit the invoice. The refund dialogue opens.

  3. Depending on your clinic location's credit note date settings, you may be able to select the date used for the credit note. If you want to use the original invoice date as the credit note date, select the Use original invoice date checkbox. If you do not select the checkbox, the current date is used for the credit note.

  4. The Create credit note as draft checkbox is selected by default. If you create the credit note as a draft, you can still edit or delete it if necessary. If you want to finalise the credit note right away, deselect the checkbox. In that case, you can already select the payments to refund under Payments to refund. If your clinic uses the prepayments function and you have the required rights, you can also transfer the refund to client prepayments. For a draft credit note, you cannot select the payments yet.

  5. Select Continue. The credit note is created. If you did not create the credit note as a draft and already selected the payments to refund in step 4, the credit note and refund are now complete. To complete the credit note and refund, finalise the credit invoice and add the payment according to your workflow.

The refund payment is shown as a negative sum on the credit note page. A pop-up message is shown at the bottom of the page with a link to the original invoice.



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