To view your clinic's health plan subscriptions, go to the Records > Health Plan page (the page name may be different depending on the settings). You can search for health plan subscriptions using the free search field or use the filters to view subscriptions by status and payment option.
The health plan statuses include the following:
- Applied for: The health plan subscription has been created, but the contract has not yet been signed by the client.
- Active: The health plan subscription has been signed by the client and payments are up to date.
- Suspended: The subscription is on hold due to missed payments. Items cannot be used from the health plan. When Provet Pay is used, the subscription status is automatically changed to the 'suspended' status when the maximum number of retry attempts set in the health plan settings has been reached. The health plan is the automatically activated again when the missed payment is received. The status can also be changed to 'suspended' manually, for example, if a third party billing system is used for payments.
- Lapsed: The subscription is no longer active because it has been cancelled. This status cannot be changed back to active. Note that a subscription may also become lapsed if a Provet Pay payment card used for recurring health plan payments is deleted and monthly billing through Provet Cloud is not possible. See more information about changing or removing a health plan subscription payment card.
- Ended: The subscription has come to the end of the contract period. Items cannot be used from the health plan unless the ‘Usable after subscription has ended’ option has been selected. This status cannot be changed back to active. Note that a health plan subscription is not automatically cancelled when a patient is archived due to death. See how to manually cancel a health plan subscription.
The available payment options depend on your health plan settings. The options may include:
- Not specified
- Monthly billing
- Prepayment
- Provet Pay
- Gravity Payments
Read more about the payment options.
From Columns, you can select the columns to include in the list.
You can export selected rows from the list to Excel. To select rows to export, click on the rows in the list. A pop-up menu opens at the bottom of the page. You can use the pop-up menu options to Select all rows on page or continue selecting rows individually. To restart row selection, select Deselect all. To export the rows, select Export / Print > List of selected rows.
View a Patient's Subscription Details
To open a patient's subscription page, select the eye button at the end of the subscription row.
On the subscription page, you can edit the subscription and print or send the subscription details by email. You will also see a notification if the client is late on their payments. Note that as long as a health plan subscription has the 'active' status, late payments will not prevent using items from the health plan. To prevent using the health plan in this case, change the status of the health plan to ‘suspended’.
On various pages in Provet Cloud, for example, on the consultation page and the client and patient page, you can identify patients that are active health plan members by the health plan tag (specified in the settings) and a blue heart icon. If a patient has more than one health plan, the heart is purple. You can open a summary of a patient's health plan subscription from the health plan heart icon. The subscription opens in a dialogue in which you can print the plan details, send the plan summary by email, or go to the subscription page to view more details.
See Also
Add a Patient to a Health Plan
Change a Health Plan Subscription Status Manually
View Health Plan Subscription Payments
Change or Remove a Health Plan Subscription Payment Card
Cancel a Health Plan Subscription
Renew a Health Plan Subscription
Migrate a Patient's Health Plan Subscription Plan
Creating and Managing Health Plans
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