Create a Health Plan

Preliminary Tasks

Before you start creating a new health plan, make sure that the required preliminary tasks have been completed:

Create a New Health Plan

1. Add a new health plan template.

Go to Settings > Lists & Templates > Health plan (name of the page may be different) and select the New button under Health plan templates.

2. Fill in the health plan general information.

  • Name: The name of the health plan used inside Provet Cloud.

  • Display name: The name of the health plan used on client printouts and other client materials.

  • Internal notes: Any internal notes about the health plan, for example, when and how the plan should be used. This information is for staff use only.

  • Description: Description of the plan and its contents used on client printouts and other client communication.

  • Terms and conditions PDF: Upload the terms and conditions document and any other material for the client.

3. Select the health plan clinic location and validity period.

  • Clinic location: Select the main clinic location for the health plan.

  • Additional clinic locations: A health plan can be shared with additional clinic locations if they share the same item lists. However, note that the main clinic location will receive the monthly payments of the health plan. If the client pays in advance for the whole contract, the payment recipient depends on the Use active clinic location for advance payment invoice setting in the health plan settings.

  • If you want to offer the health plan for a limited time, select Period and set the start and end times for the period when the plan can be sold. If you select Ongoing, the health plan is valid for sales immediately and does not have an expiry date.


4. Specify who the health plan is used for.

  • Species: Select the species that the plan is used for. A health plan can only be set up for one species, but when adding a subscription, it is possible to select any plan for a patient.

  • Minimum and Maximum weight and age: If you want to create a health plan based on the patient's weight or age, add the minimum and maximum limits. When adding a subscription to a patient, health plans can be filtered based on the patient's weight and age.


5. Add the discount tags.

To add the discounts that you want to give to the health plan subscribers, select the appropriate discount tags created in Adding Health Plan Discounts. The tag is automatically added for subscribed patients. When the contract period ends, the tag is removed and the discounts associated with the tag and the plan are deactivated for the patient.

6. Add the items and item groups you want to include in the health plan.


You can search for items using the search field or use the item buttons (1). After adding an item to the list, select the pen button at the end of the item row to edit the item properties.

  • Quantity and Price: Add the quantity that a subscriber is allowed to use during the subscription period (e.g. 3 bags of dog food or 5 nail trims) and the price for the single item (e.g. one bag of food).

  • Per consultation: Add the number of items that a subscriber can use per consultation. This limits the quantity that can be sold per consultation so that a subscriber cannot use all of the items at once and then cancel the subscription.

  • Update to active plans: You can use this option when editing a health plan that already has existing subscriptions.

  • Usable after subscription has ended: Sometimes a clinic may want to make certain items available to the patient even if the plan has expired. For example, if the patient is on a monthly procedure but had to skip a month for some reason, the clinic would want to provide the missed treatment. In this case, select this option for the monthly items and set the number of days the item can be used after the subscription has ended.

  • Unlimited uses: The clinic may want to offer some procedures, such as nail clipping or basic office visits, without limits to encourage the clients to visit the clinic more often. Note that this option applies only to procedures.

Item groups

To add an item group, select the Item Group button (2).

You can use item groups to add a group of related items, such as dewormers, to a health plan. The appropriate item can then be selected for a patient from the item group options. When item groups are edited, for example, a discontinued product is replaced with another, all health plans that include the item group are automatically updated.


7. Define the duration and payment options for the health plan.

  • Months: Add the number of months the health plan will be active.

  • Monthly fee: Add the payment amount that is due each month.

  • Initial payment: You can use the initial payment to add any additional fees to the first monthly payment (the initial payment includes the first monthly payment and the additional fees). If the initial payment is used, a counter sale invoice is generated when a patient is subscribed to the plan.

  • Item used for compensation, Item used for charging monthly payments, and Cancellation fee: Add the items created in Adding Items Used for Billing.

  • Plan renewal - default option: Select the default option for renewing the health plan. This default option can be changed when adding a subscription to a patient. Note that health plans are not automatically upgraded to the next plan based on the patient's weight or age.


A breakdown of the costs for the plan and total savings are shown at the bottom of the page.


When a health plan contains items with unlimited use or item groups, the item total costs and savings are an estimate based on the item group settings. The actual savings depend on how many times an unlimited item is used and what items are used from the item groups during the subscription period.

8. Save the health plan.

When you have finished filling in all the necessary information, select Save. The health plan is shown as 'Active' in the health plan list under Health plan templates and can be selected for subscriptions within its defined validity period.


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