Merge Clients

You may end up with duplicate clients in Provet Cloud, for example, if you add the same client with a different name or address, or if you add too little information in the client profile. If you have duplicate client records in your Provet Cloud, you can merge the data from one client to another. 

  1. Go to Clients & Patients and select the client you want to merge with another client. Note that the client to be merged cannot have unfinished consultations or unpaid invoices.
  2. On the client page, select Tools > Merge client. The Merge client records page opens. The client under Target client record will receive the data from the client under Client record to merge in the merge. The client under Client record to merge will be archived.
  3. Under Select general info to keep, select which general information you want to keep. By default, the target client information is selected. In the right-hand side panel, you can view all the data that will be merged. Note that financial data, such as invoices, payment cards and unallocated payments, is not merged. However, you can find the invoices of the merged client on the Clients & Patients > Invoices tab or on the patient's page after the merge.
  4. Select Merge in the bottom right-hand corner of the page and confirm.

The merged client record is archived. Archived clients can be found on the Clients & Patients tab using the Archived filter. Information about the merge is saved in both clients' notes on the Communication tab. If the merged clients share patients, the patients are duplicated in the target client's record in the merge. You can also merge the duplicate patients.

If you need to revert the merge, you can unmerge the merged clients.

See also how to avoid duplicate clients.


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