You can automate report generation so that selected reports with selected configuration arrive in your email. Report scheduling is available for all reports and for all users who have access to reports.
NOTE: The number of active report schedules is limited. Each Provet Cloud account can have twice as many report schedules as they have separate clinic locations (locations), and at least a minimum of five (5).
Go to Reports in the main navigation and find the report you want to schedule.
On the Generate tab, select the report filters you want to use for generating the report and select Export / Print > Schedule. A dialogue opens.
Alternatively, you can go to the Scheduled tab and select Add.
In the Subject and Email text fields, add the message that the report recipients will receive. Note that you can also use communication templates.
Select the Report format: PDF, Excel or CSV. Some reports may have additional options.
Add the recipients. You can select from existing users in the Recipients field or add email addresses separated by commas (,) in the Additional email addresses field.
Select the Data collection period. Select the same range as on the Generate tab.
Select the Schedule for how often the report is generated and sent: once on a selected date and time, daily, weekly, or monthly.
In the Run at field, select the time of day, weekday, or the day in a month depending on your schedule option.
Select Save. The emails with the generated report are sent at the defined times.
NOTE: When you select the monthly option, you get a list of running dates, for example, 29, 30, 31, as well as the option 'Last day'. If you want the report to be run on the last day, it is recommended that you select 'Last day', not 31 or 30, to make sure the report is run every month (including February).
You can view the report schedules on the Scheduled tab of the report. To edit a report schedule, select the pen button at the end of the row. After creating a report schedule, you can only edit the email text and recipients. To delete a report schedule, select the trash bin button.
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