NETS Connect@Cloud Payment Terminal Usage and Troubleshooting

Process Payment using the NETS Connect@Cloud Payment Terminal Integration

  1. Finalise the invoice and start a card payment.

    • If your clinic location uses the single-step invoice finalisation workflow, select Card from the invoice options on the invoice page.

    • If your clinic location uses the two-step invoice finalisation workflow, first finalise the invoice and then select +Payment from the payments section on the invoice page. Next, select Card as the payment type and modify other fields as necessary. To save the payment, select the check mark button.

  2. A card payment processing dialogue opens. Select Process card to continue.

  3. The terminal asks for the client's payment card. The client inserts the card into the terminal and inputs their PIN (if the PIN is used). The payment terminal processes the payment.

    • Note that it is possible for the client to abort the payment using the terminal's red 'Cancel' button before the PIN has been entered. This is fine and will simply result in a payment marked as 'Failed' in Provet Cloud.

    • Also, it is possible for the clinic (you) to cancel the payment using the red Abort button in the dialogue before the PIN has been entered. This is fine and will simply result in a payment marked as 'Cancelled' in Provet.

  4. After the payment has been processed, Provet Cloud gets the transaction result and automatically adds the payment to the invoice (if the transaction was successful) and updates the invoice. Do not close the payment dialogue. Provet Cloud closes it automatically when the transaction has been completed.

Refund Payments using the NETS Connect@Cloud Payment Terminal Integration

  1. On the invoice page, under the Payments section, locate the payment you want to refund.

  2. Select Refund on the payment row.

  3. A dialogue opens, showing a negative sum. The negative sum needs to be used when refunding. Switch the target terminal if needed and select Process card.

  4. The terminal asks for the client's payment card. After the client has inserted their card, the refund processing begins.

    • Note that it is possible for the client to abort the refund using the terminal's red 'Cancel' button before the refund has been processed by the terminal. This is fine and will simply result in a payment marked as 'Failed' in Provet.

    • Also, it is possible for the merchant (clinic) to cancel the payment using the red Abort button in the dialogue before the client has inserted the card. This is fine and will simply result in a payment marked as 'Cancelled' in Provet.

  5. After the refund has been processed, Provet Cloud gets the transaction result and automatically adds a negative payment to the invoice (if the transaction was successful) and updates the invoice. The merchant/user should not close the payment dialogue, but Provet should do it automatically instead.

Transactions Log

You can view the transactions made with a Connect@Cloud or Baxi.Agent payment terminals in the transactions log.

Go to Settings > General > Integrations > Nets Connect@Cloud account and select the Transactions log button in the top right-hand side corner of the Nets payment terminals section.

In the transactions log dialogue, you can filter the transactions by terminal ID, transaction type (Connect@Cloud or Baxi.Agent payment terminal), clinic location and clinic location group, start and end dates, and transaction result (success, pending, failure, or aborted).

If a transaction receipt is available, you can print the receipt using the printer button on the transaction row.



Fetching Transaction Results In Case of Power or Connection Loss

If a payment terminal unexpectedly loses power or the connection during an active payment process, the transaction itself may be successful, but the automatic transfer of payment results to Provet Cloud may fail. In this case, Provet Cloud shows a 'Transaction failed' message (see below), and the payment will appear as 'Failure'.

You can try to retrieve the transaction results:

  1. On the failed payment row, select the circling arrows button in the Info column.

  2. A new dialogue opens. Select Get the latest result.

  3. The system processes for a moment, the dialogue closes automatically, and the invoice page is updated automatically in case of success.

Possible Information and Error Messages from the Integration

The following section contains a list of possible messages (and explanations) that the integration may show in Provet Cloud.

Login failed with current Connect@Cloud account - This can generally mean three things:

  1. the Connect@Cloud username or password is wrong or missing from the Provet integration settings,

  2. the Connect@Cloud API is giving a temporary failure response during the request authentication phase, or

  3. the Connect@Cloud username and password are not correctly activated in the NETS Connect@Cloud system. Please contact NETS if the problem is not related to 1. or 2.

Selected terminal is not allowed - The payment terminal is not bound to the Connect@Cloud account in the NETS system. Please contact NETS.

Connection timed out - The NETS Connect@Cloud API did not respond to Provet within 60 seconds. There may be a temporary problem with the API or a problem with the Internet connection between the Provet Cloud application servers and the NETS API.

PSP declined the transaction - The Payment Service Provider (PSP) declined the transaction, but the exact reason is unclear. The card may be invalid, the transaction authorization may have failed, or other such problem at the PSP.

Not sufficient funds - The card does not have sufficient funds for the given amount.

The terminal declined the transaction - The payment terminal declined the transaction, but the exact reason is unclear.

The merchant aborted the transaction - The transaction was successfully aborted after a Provet Cloud user selected the Abort button in the transaction dialogue.

The customer aborted the transaction - The transaction was successfully aborted after a customer used the cancellation button on the payment terminal.

Card was removed from the terminal - The payment card was removed from the payment terminal before the transaction was complete.

The terminal rejected the transaction - The payment terminal rejected the transaction, but the exact reason is unclear.

The transaction timed out in the terminal - The transaction took too long and was timed out in the payment terminal.

The terminal detected a duplicate transaction - Two transactions were performed with the same amount with the same card in the same terminal in a short period of time. When you get this error, please wait at least one minute before trying again.

The terminal is busy - The payment terminal is busy processing another request. The other request can be a payment, a refund transaction, or an administrative operation such as a cancellation.

The terminal is disconnected - The Internet connection between the payment terminal and the NETS Connect@Cloud API is not working. This is typically a temporary issue and may be caused by poor Internet or local connection quality at the clinic or connection issues further down the line.


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