Insurance Claim List

All insurance claims are listed on the Records > Insurance claims page.

You can use the text search field (1) to search for insurance claims with client name, client organisation name, client personal ID, patient name, case number, and invoice number. To open more search options, select the Extended search checkbox (2). The extended options include department (current department is selected by default), insurance company, insurance number, compensation sum with limiting options (exact value, equal or less than, equal or greater than, or minimum and maximum values), and insurance claim prefix.

In addition to the search options, you can use the filters (3) to view insurance claims by status. From Columns (4), you can select the columns to show in the list. To save your selected filters and columns so that the same selections are applied the next time you view the insurance claims list, select the wrench tool button > Save filters (5).

To open an insurance claim, select the pen button on the row (6).

Insurance claim statuses:

  • Created: This status is assigned automatically when an insurance claim is created, but not yet sent.
  • Sent: This status is assigned automatically when an insurance claim is sent by email. The status can also be changed manually to 'Sent'.
  • Waiting for info: You can select this status manually after sending an insurance claim to indicate that you are waiting for information for the insurance claim.
  • Ready: After receiving the insurance company's decision and updating the information on the claim, you can change the status manually to 'Ready'. This status is not assigned automatically.
  • Rejected: You can change the insurance claim status manually to 'rejected' if the insurance company rejects the claim. The status is also changed automatically to 'rejected' when an insurance payment is refunded using the credit note function.
  • Ready, paid: This status is assigned automatically when the insurance payment has been added to the invoice.


See Also

Credit Notes


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