Overview of Lists

A list is a collection of items used to control or provide a basis for various functions in Provet Cloud. For example, the available species and breeds are controlled through lists. Usually, lists affect the functionality in the whole Provet Cloud account (organisation), but some lists may be department-specific.

Provet Cloud includes some default lists, and some custom lists may have been set up during your implementation phase. You can also add new lists.

Note that item lists are different from the functional lists described in this article.

List Types

  • Species: The species list contains the species available when creating or editing patients. This list can be imported. You can map your clinic-specific species labels to the Provet Cloud species categories. When adding a species to your species list, select a category from the Species category list and add a name for the species in the Label field. The icon of the selected species category will be used for the animals added to Provet Cloud using this species.
  • Breed: The breed list contains the breeds available when creating or editing patients. This list can be imported. A breed list needs to be connected with a list item from a species list. A Provet Cloud account typically has a single species list and several breed lists. 
  • Diagnosis: The diagnosis list contains the diagnoses available on consultations. This list can be department-specific, and it can be imported.
  • Insurance company: The insurance company list contains the insurance companies available when creating or editing patients and creating insurance claims. 
  • Consultation note type: The consultation note type list contains the available clinical note types. Individual list items can be department or department group specific. Note that the 'General' note type is always available.
  • Reporting dimension 1 and 2: The reporting dimension lists contain the reporting dimensions available in the item and reason setting. The reporting dimensions can be used in item sales and general ledger reports. This list can be department-specific.
  • Patient status field 1 to 12: You can define up to twelve custom patient status fields (also known as vitals) available on consultations. The lists contain the status options of the custom status field. After activating a list, select it in Settings > Department > Consultation status section fields to make it available on consultations.
  • Statement type: The statement type list contains the financial statement types available when creating a financial statement on the Billing tab of a client page. The Statements section is available on the Billing tab when the Settings > Department > Statement settings > Statements enabled setting is enabled.
  • Complication report category: The complication report category list contains the complication report categories available when adding a complication report. Complication reports can be created when the Settings > General > Department > Complication report > Complication reports enabled setting is enabled.
  • Complication report subcategory: The complication report subcategory list contains the complication report subcategories available when adding a complication report. Complication reports can be created when the Settings > General > Department > Complication report > Complication reports enabled setting is enabled.
  • Laboratory report 1, 2 and 3: The laboratory report lists contain the laboratory reports available when creating a report on a laboratory referral page. The Reports section is available on laboratory referrals when the Settings > Department > Laboratory settings > Use result reporting setting is enabled.
  • Sample type: The sample type list contains the sample types available when setting up laboratory items.
  • VetEnvoy insurance company: The VetEnvoy insurance company list contains the VetEnvoy insurance companies available when creating VetEnvoy insurance claims.The VetEnvoy integration is available in the UK.
  • Medicine reason of use types: The medicine reason of use types list contains the options available when selecting a use reason for a medicine on a consultation.
  • Medicine related diagnosis: The medicine related diagnosis list contains the options available when selecting a medication diagnosis for a medicine on a consultation.
  • Referral sending reason: The referral sending reason list contains the referral sending reasons available when sending a patient referral by email.
  • Referral area of expertise: The referral area of expertise list contains the options available when sending a patient referral by email. The areas of expertise are linked to sending reasons.
  • Item entry subtype: The item entry subtype list contains the options available for subtype when removing an item from stock and using the 'Other' removal reason. Item entry subtypes can be department-specific.

See Also

Create and Activate a New List

Edit, Delete, or Archive List Items

Manage Lists


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