Refunding Payments


Invoice payments processed through the Gravity Payment integration can be refunded in full or partially. Note that if a client wants to return items on an invoice, you must first create a credit note before refunding the sum through the Gravity Payments integration. If a client only wants to cancel a payment, for example, to use a different payment method or another payment card, no credit note is needed.

For refunding deposits, see Processing Deposits.

For more information about credit notes, see Overview of Credit Notes.

Full Refunds

Crediting and Refunding a Payment

When a client wants to return everything on the same invoice, first create a full credit note and then refund the full sum using the Gravity Payments integration.

  1. On the invoice page, select Credit note. The credit note dialogue opens.
  2. Select the Refund all option.
    Note: Do not select any payments under Payments to refund. You will refund the payments using the Gravity Payments integration after saving the credit note.
  3. Select Continue to save the credit note. The sum to be refunded is shown as a negative sum on the credit note page.
  4. On the credit note page, select the Gravity Payments button at the bottom of the page. A new tab opens.
  5. Select Refund payment.
  6. Select the Enter amount option and add the refund sum (negative amount) to the field.
  7. From the payment method drop-down list, select Use POS to use a payment terminal or Use card number to add the client's card details.
  8. Finish the payment process for the selected payment method. When the payment has been processed, the credit note due sum is 0.

Refunding and Correcting a Payment

When the invoice is valid, but the client wants to change the payment method or use a different card, first refund the sum and then add the payment using the correct payment method or card.

  1. On the invoice page, select the Gravity Payments button at the bottom of the page. A new tab opens.
  2. Select Refund payment. The Choose payment for refund drop-down list shows the previous payment details on file. Select the payment you want to refund.
  3. Select the Refund full amount option.
  4. Select Process refund. The refund is processed automatically back to the payment card that was used for the payment. A new refund payment row with a transaction ID appears under the original payment row.
  5. The invoice now has a due sum to be paid again. Add the payment using the correct payment method or card information.

Partial Refunds

Crediting and Refunding a Payment

When a client wants to return some of the items on an invoice or you want to give a partial refund to a client on a procedure, first create a partial credit note and then refund the sum using the Gravity Payments integration.

  1. On the invoice page, select Credit note. The credit note dialog opens.
  2. Select the Refund selected items option.
  3. Select the rows you want to credit. If you want to credit an invoice row partially, adjust Quantity to refund or Percentage change. For example, to refund 50% of a procedure, enter -50 in the Percentage change field. You can also add a comment in the Reason for credit field.
  4. Select Continue to save the credit note. The sum to be refunded is shown as a negative sum on the credit note page.
  5. On the credit note page, select the Gravity Payments button at the bottom of the page. A new tab opens.
  6. Select Refund payment.
  7. Select the Enter amount option and add the refund sum (negative amount) to the field.
  8. From the payment method drop-down list, select Use POS to use a payment terminal or Use card number to add the client's card details.
  9. Finish the payment process for the selected payment method. When the payment has been processed, the credit note due sum is 0.

Refunding and Correcting a Payment

When the invoice is valid, but the client wants to change the payment method or use a different card, first refund the sum and then add the payment using the correct payment method or card.

  1. On the invoice page, select the Gravity Payments button at the bottom of the page. A new tab opens.
  2. Select Refund payment. The Choose payment for refund drop-down list shows the previous payment details on file. Select the payment you want to refund.
  3. Select the Enter amount option and add the amount to be refunded in the field.
  4. From the payment method drop-down list, select Use POS to use a payment terminal or Use card number to add the client's card details.
  5. Finish the refund payment as required for the selected payment method. When the payment has been processed, a new refund payment row with a transaction ID appears under the original payment row.
  6. The invoice now has a due sum to be paid again. Add the payment using the correct payment method or card information.

See Also

Overview of Credit Notes


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