Single-Step Invoice Finalisation and Payment

In the single-step workflow, you finalise the invoice and add the payment at the same time, for example, when a client pays the invoice right after their consultation visit before leaving the clinic. If your clinic uses the single-step workflow for invoice finalisation and payments, the payment method buttons are available at the bottom of the invoice page.

If your clinic uses Nordhealth Pay or the Gravity Payments integration, see Nordhealth Pay or Gravity Payments for invoice and payment processing.

Finalise an Invoice and Add Payment

To finalise an invoice and add the payment in one go, select one of the payment buttons. Finalising the invoice also triggers the creation of the original PDF invoice (not available for consolidated invoices). Depending on the settings, the Cash received and Cash return fields may be available for cash payments. When you enter the received amount, the return amount is automatically calculated based on the invoice total.

If a client wants to use another payment method not available as a button or more than one payment method to pay the total, select Mixed payment. You can use the + button in the mixed payment dialogue to add multiple payment methods and sums.

If your clinic uses prepayments, you can also use the client's prepayment balance for paying the invoice.


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