Invoicing and Payments Settings

General Invoice Settings

Settings > General > Clinic location > Clinic location settings:

  • Selectable invoice page columns: Select the invoice row columns that you want to show on the invoice page.

  • Hide zero price rows on invoice page: You can hide invoice rows from the invoice page when the item price is 0. Select the item types for which you want to hide zero rows. If you want to hide zero rows also from invoice printouts, go to Settings > Print settings > Invoice and select Do not print zero price invoice rows.

  • Allow editing consultation items from invoice pages: When selected, changes made from the invoice page to consultation item quantities and prices are also reflected on the consultation page.

  • Current user as the connected user for counter sale and invoice page items: When selected, the logged in user is connected by default to items added on the invoice page.

  • Allow editing payer of finalised invoice: With this setting, you can select who can edit the payer information of finalised invoices (administrators, managers and administrators, or everyone) or disable editing the information.

  • Invoicing client can only be changed to charitable organization: When selected, it is only possible to change the invoicing client to a client marked as a charity organisation on an invoice. This setting is available when Settings > General > Organisation > Enable charitable organization customer type is enabled.

  • Enable alternative invoicing profiles: When selected, it is possible to add an alternative invoicing address to clients.

  • Enable invoicing fees: When selected, it is possible to add an invoicing fee to invoices when they are sent by email or printed. The invoicing fee can be added both to draft and finalised invoices. In the Invoicing fee item field, add the item that is used as the invoice fee item. In Time limit for invoicing fees, define a limit in hours for how long the invoicing fee can be added to the invoice after the invoice has been finalised. After this time limit, the fee can no longer be added.

  • Disable print name editing on draft invoices: When selected, it is not possible to edit the print name of items on draft invoices.

  • Enable alternative item ordering on estimates and invoices: When selected, items are not grouped by item types on the invoice page but listed in the order they were added. If this setting is not selected, items are grouped by their type (procedures, medicines, etc.). Note that this setting also affects treatment estimates.

  • Enable discount invoices report: When selected, the Discount invoices report is available in Reports.

Settings > General > Clinic location > Invoices:

  • Enable simplified invoices for anonymous sales: When this setting is selected, you can add a Simplified invoice limit for anonymous counter sales. If the total invoice sum is higher than the limit, a client must selected for the counter sale.

  • Enable edit reasons for invoice rows on invoice view:

    When this setting is selected, users must add a reason when editing an invoice row.

  • Prefix for normal invoices:

    You can define a prefix that is added to regular invoices. To add an additional prefix tag, select the plus button. The prefix tag is shown above the invoice number on the invoice printout. Editing the tag does not affect invoice numbering or any already finalised invoices. If simplified invoices are used, you can also add a separate Prefix for simplified invoices.Note: Editingthe invoice prefixes resets invoice numbering. When you edit a prefix, you must select the Confirm invoice numbering reset option to confirm the edit.

  • Allow changing invoice date:

    When this setting is selected, users can change the invoice date after finalising an invoice. In addition, you can select Use consultation's start date as the invoice date if you want set the consultation start date as the invoice date for consultation invoices.

  • No payments before invoice date:

    When this setting is selected, users cannot set the date of a payment to be before the invoice date.

  • Include secondary owner name in invoice payer information:

    When this setting is selected, the secondary owner's name (when defined in the client details) is included in invoice payer information.

Invoice Finalisation and Payments

Settings > General > Clinic location > Clinic location settings:

  • Enable "Invoicing" status: When this setting is selected, an additional 'Invoicing' status is used on consultations and counter sales. For more information, see Consultation Visit Workflow and Statuses.

  • Enable single-step finalization and payment for invoices and counter sales: When this setting is selected, it is possible to finalise an invoice and add the payment in one go.

  • Enable cash return calculator for single-step finalizations and payments: Available when single-step invoice finalisation and payment is enabled. When this setting is selected, the Cash received and Cash return fields are available in the single-step workflow for automatically calculating the return amount for cash payments.

  • Prevent finalization of invoices without items: When selected, invoices that do not contain any invoice rows cannot be finalised.

  • Allow ending consultation without an invoice: When selected, it is possible to end a consultation without finalising the invoice when the invoice total sum is 0.

  • Auto-check "Agreed to pay later" when finalizing invoices: When selected, the Agreed to pay later option is selected by default when finalising an invoice. The option can be deselected.

  • Disable payment shortcuts: When selected, the payment option shortcut buttons are not available in the invoice finalisation dialogue when two-step invoice finalisation is used.

  • Enable payment notes: When selected, an Info field is available to add a note to payments.

  • Enable payment cancellations: When selected, it is possible to cancel payments on finalised invoices .

  • Payment cancellation to the same date: When selected, payment cancellation is recorded on the same date as the payment. Otherwise, it is recorded on the current date. When the payment is from an earlier period than the current month, the payment is recorded on the current date regardless of this setting.

  • Allow setting payment cancellation date: When selected, users can set the payment cancellation date manually. However, date cannot be earlier than the date defined in Earliest possible date for financial events.

Counter Sales

Settings > General > Clinic location > Clinic location settings:

  • Default medicine quantity: With this setting, you can set a default quantity for medicines when added on a consultation, written prescription, or counter sale.

  • Enable "Invoicing" status: When this setting is selected, an additional 'Invoicing' status is used on consultations and counter sales. For more information, see Consultation Visit Workflow and Statuses.

  • Current user as the connected user for counter sale and invoice page items: Each counter sale item can be connected to a user in the Veterinarian field (for example, for the purposes of the commission functionalities). When this setting is selected, the user who created the counter sale is connected by default to the counter sale items.

  • Require patient selection during counter sales: When this setting is selected, counter sale items must always be connected to patients when the sale is not anonymous (a client is selected).

  • Require veterinarians for medicine rows during counter sales: When this setting is selected, medicine items must always be connected to veterinarians on counter sales.

  • Enable single-step finalization and payment for invoices and counter sales: When this setting is selected, you can finalise invoices and counter sales and add payments in one step. Otherwise, payments must be added separately after finalising the invoice or counter sale.


Settings > General > Clinic location > Clinic location settings:

  • Enable prepayments: When selected, it is possible to add or transfer prepayments to clients' accounts.

  • Enable payment transfers to prepayments: When selected, it is possible to cancel a payment on an invoice and transfer it to the client's prepayments.

  • Payment transfer to the same date: When selected, a prepayment transfer is recorded on the same date as the payment. Otherwise, it is recorded on the current date. When the payment is from an earlier period than the current month, the prepayment transfer is recorded on the current date regardless of this setting.

  • Enable credit note transfer to prepayments: When selected, an option to transfer the credit sum to prepayments is available for credit notes.

  • Allow setting prepayment transfer date: When selected, users can set the date when transferring payments from invoices and credit notes to prepayments. Note, however, that the Earliest possible date for financial events setting overrides this setting in case of a conflict.

  • Allow setting prepayment date: When selected, users can set the date for prepayments when adding prepayments to clients' accounts. Note, however, that the Earliest possible date for financial events setting overrides this setting in case of a conflict.

  • Require prepayment descriptions: When selected, a text description is required for prepayment transactions.

  • Prepayment refund to the same date:

    When selected, the original prepayment transaction date is used for

    prepayment refunds. If not selected, the current date is used.

  • Allow setting prepayment refund date:

    When selected,

    users can set the date for prepayment refunds. Note, however, that the Earliest possible date for financial events setting overrides this setting in case of a conflict.

  • Prevent payments to fully paid invoices: When selected, it is not possible to add overpayments to invoices. If you want to add prepayments to fully paid invoices, deselect this setting.

Settings > General > Organization > Organization settings:

  • Enable cross clinic location prepayments: When selected, client prepayments can be used on a different clinic location than they were received on. Note that this option should only be used if your clinic locations belong to the same legal entity. If you are unsure, please check with your accountant or finance clinic location before activating this feature.

User Permissions

Settings > Users > Permission groups:

The following settings control the availability of the prepayments functionality for the users of the permission group:

  • Can manually set the date on a prepayment

  • Can transfer payments to prepayments

  • Can transfer credit note to prepayments

The following settings control whether the users of the permission group can change prices on invoices and apply mass discounts:

  • Can change prices on invoices

  • Can change prices on invoices on procedures: If this setting is active but 'Can change prices on invoices' is not, the users can change prices and apply mass discounts for procedure items but not for other item types.

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