Setting Up One-Click Printing for Windows


One-click printing (direct printing) makes printing quicker and easier by allowing users to skip the browser's and operating system's print dialogues so that printing requires fewer steps.

The Provet Cloud ProPrint application must be installed on every workstation you want to have one-click printing available on. In the Provet Cloud settings, you can enable one-click printing for all users in a clinic location or allow users to enable it for their own account.

To use one-click printing for printing PDF labels, you also need to set it up in the PDF label printing settings.

This article covers one-click printing installation and setup instructions for setting up one-click printing on Windows workstations. For macOS, see Setting Up One-Click Printing for macOS.

Requirements and Prerequisites

Provet Cloud ProPrint for one-click printing requires Windows 11 or Windows 10 with .NET Framework 4.8. .NET Framework is usually integrated and installed with Windows, but if it does not already exist in your system, it is installed automatically at Provet Cloud ProPrint startup. This requires administrator rights.

A printer must be available in Windows Settings > Printers & scanners. You can also use network printers.

1. Install and configure Provet Cloud ProPrint.

  1. Download the installation file.

  2. Run the proprint-windows-install.exe file and follow the installer's instructions.

  3. After the installation is complete, start the application from the proprint-windows-install.exe file in the root installation folder or from the desktop shortcut.

  4. On the Printer tab, select a printer from the Printer drop-down list. The list of available printers is fetched from the system. If a printer is not available, check that the printer is available in Settings > Printers & scanners.

  5. Add a Type for the printer. Note that if you want to print different types of documents on different printers, you need to set up the printers on different workstations using the INVOICE print type. For label printing, see 3. Optional: Set up one-click printing for PDF label printing..

  6. Select Add printer.

  7. You can change the port that the WebSocket server listens to. The default port is 12212, and the default setting will work for most users. Note that if you change the port, you must restart ProPrint manually for the new setting to take effect.

  8. If you want the ProPrint application to start automatically at the workstation startup, select the Application Windows autostart checkbox. The application opens in the taskbar notification area (system tray). To open the Provet Cloud ProPrint setup dialog, double-click the ProPrint icon.

If the connection to Provet Cloud works, the dialogue shows the Provet Cloud logo with the text 'Provet Connected'. You can also check the connection in Provet Cloud Settings > Integrations > Direct Printing where you should see the status as 'Connected' with a checkmark.


Printing Preferences

Printing preferences such as paper size must be set in the Windows printer settings in Settings > Printers & scanners > open printer > Printing preferences.

2. Enable and test the one-click printing feature in Provet Cloud.

3. Optional: Set up one-click printing for PDF label printing.

If you want to use one-click printing for labels, you must also set it up in the PDF label printing settings: make sure that the Type of the printer in the Provet Cloud ProPrint configuration settings matches the One-click printer type in the PDF label printer settings (LABEL in the example below).

For recommended settings, see the configurations for one-click printing in Recommended Configurations for PDF Label Printing. If you want to use a setup that is not included in the supported configurations list, please note that you are responsible for configuring and validating the setup yourself. Note that this functionality may require a considerable amount of time to set up for perfect results.


4. Print test labels.

Print some test labels to check that everything is set up correctly and adjust the settings if necessary. For how and where you can print labels, see Printing Labels.


Note that Windows ProPrint saves a copy of every printed PDF file in a local /pdf folder, but the copies are kept only for 7 days and then deleted automatically.

If there are any issues or problems with label printing, see Label Printing Troubleshooting.

Provet Cloud ProPrint Updates

When an update is available for Provet Cloud ProPrint, users will see a notification.

Users can also check for updates on the About tab of the Provet Cloud ProPrint dialogue by selecting Check update.


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